Uptown Super Sunday

906x680 The Golden Eagles at Super Sunday 2013 [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]

The Golden Eagles at Super Sunday 2013 [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]
Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 12:00pm

A.L. Davis Park (OUTDOORS)

2699 LaSalle St
New Orleans, LA 70113

Upcoming Shows


START A.L. Davis Park at the corner of Washington & LaSalle.

CONTINUE to Simon Bolivar Ave.

LEFT on Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

LEFT onto Claiborne Ave. 

LEFT onto Washington Ave.

END A.L. Davis Park for festivities with the Hot 8 Brass Band, Young Pinstripe Brass Band, D.J. Jubilee, Big Al Carson, TBC Brass Band, DJ Captain Charles, Dave Lemon, Young Men Olympians, Lady Buckjumpers, and more.


Hear our interview with Chief Howard of the Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians:



There are three Super Sunday Mardi Gras celebrations that happen each year after St. Joseph's Night on March 19. Mardi Gras Indians from all parts of New Orleans come together for a procession that displays their unity and amazing artistry. At the end of the procession, there is a big festival with music, food, children's activities, and more.

Uptown Super Sunday is the first of these celebrations. It will happen on Sunday, March 19. Above, listen in as Action Jackson sits down with Chief Howard of Creole Wild West, one of the oldest Mardi Gras Indian tribes in the city.

Westbank Super Sunday and Downtown Super Sunday follow on dates soon after.

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