Brass Pass Pickup Info


2022 Brass Passes


After Jazz Fest starts, you can pickup your Brass Pass at the Sauvage Street entrance to the festival grounds (see image below).

When you pick up your Brass Pass, please bring a picture ID.



Jazz Fest Will Call

We'll be near the Sauvage Street Entrance every day of Jazz Fest.
Please note: There is a separate WWOZ-only Will Call booth, so don't go to the regular festival Will Call for your pass. Look for the big 'OZ banner!

To pick up your Brass Pass, please bring a picture ID.


Can't Pick Up Your Brass Pass Yourself?

You can authorize someone else to pick up your Pass by giving them the two following pieces of documentation:

1. Signed letter from you authorizing them to pick up your Pass, and
2. Photocopy of your driver's license or other government-issued I.D.


Starting on the first day of Jazz Fest...

Once Jazz Fest starts, you can pickup your WWOZ Brass Pass at the Sauvage Street entrance to the festival grounds (see image below).


Sauvage St. Entrance

Map of Sauvage St. Entrance at Jazz Fest


» Jazz Fest's Festival Map


Some Brass Pass images to tide you over in the meantime:

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