An Ode To Our Listeners

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Published on: September 27th, 2013


WWOZ at the Grand Canyon

Good afternoon OZillians. This summer I had the oppurtunity to embark on a road trip to the far off land of the West Coast. Upon my journey I met countless of wonderful folks, some of whom knew and loved WWOZ. This was an unsuprising suprise, since we are the greatest station in the nation... But I digress. 

The most amazing part of WWOZ, and what keeps us on air, is you guys. We receive countless e-mails and fans visiting who come into the station to say hi, and the love and joy never ceases to amaze. WWOZ exists because of y'all and your support-- big and small. You hear our gratitude during our pledge drive (next one starts Nov. 5!), but we appreciate you 24/7 every second that our music is running on air.  

So wherever you are, THANK YOU! If you promise to keep listening, we promise to keep bringing you one of a kind music. 

We want to build a gallery of 'OZ Around The World.' Send us your picture with your WWOZ Swamp Shop Gear to  




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