Video: Danny Barker Fest opening night

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Published on: January 13th, 2017

Freddy Lonzo [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]

Freddy Lonzo [Photo by Ryan Hodgson-Rigsbee]

We were at Snug Harbor last night, broadcasting and video streaming live from opening night of Danny Barker Festival 2017! Performers included Detroit Brooks, Gregg Stafford (wearing Danny Barker's jacket), Kerry Lewis, Herman Lebeaux, Mari Watanabe, Bruce Brackman, Freddy Lonzo, and Topsy Chapman. Check out the video stream replay below, or you can listen audio-only on our 2-week archive by selecting Thursday, Jan. 12, 7-10p.

The 4-day festival will run through Sunday, January 15.

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