906 Terrance Simien and a fan/WWOZ member in Iowa

Why do I support WWOZ? It would be a long explanation because WWOZ is so many things. WWOZ is a radio station totally unique to the culture and the music of Louisiana and of New Orleans.
WWOZ has done so much for me and my career, and people like me - other Zydeco musicians. We don't get airplay anywhere else, especially on a hip station like 'OZ! I love being a part of that, a part of the 'OZ family.
Music has a way of setting the tone, the vibe, the feeling of a place. You're not going to feel more New Orleans, than when you tune into WWOZ. It's a world of it's own, coming from a different place. WWOZ is playing the music from the source, that gives it a whole nother vibe. WWOZ is the hippest vibe on the radio airwaves. WWOZ is pure New Orleans, pure Louisiana you know.
I believe in giving back. We donate to WWOZ! It's money well spent when you give to OZ! The station does so much for musicians and the music community.
Tap wwoz.org/donate to support the music and support WWOZ!